Aims, Objects and Virtues


sózontas tin anthropótita  Σώζοντας την ανθρωπότητα

Human weakness of divisiveness has been exploited to bring about our own demise:  socially, economically, politically, racially, medically, and theologically, and we are drifting ignorantly toward the extinction of human civilization.

Our Knights of Charity together with  Medicina Alternativa would be the vehicle that drives these changes globally to bring about social change by uniting hearts and fostering closer understanding and dialogue among nations. The awakening has much to do with heart intelligence and expanded consciousness. Heart coherence would be the norm during the 5th Industrial Revolution through which we are now moving during the post-covid era. The Fifth Industrial Revolution incorporates concepts such as “sustainability,” “human-centeredness,” and “concern for the environment” in addition to the transformation of the industrial structure through the utilization of AI, IoT. 

All Knights and commanders are invited to unite and drive this worldwide.

The Aims and Objectives of the Order

While many worthy causes exist in our society today for our Knights, Medicina Alternativa perhaps provides for Society’s greatest needs, challenges and rewards.

  1. To establish, equip, staff and maintain treatment centres under Medicina Alternativa
  1. To promote and participate in all phases of education of physicians, nursing staff, and paramedical and nutritional care personnel under Medicina and OIUCM.
  1. To raise funds for all these preventive and curative needs.
  1. To promote peace and prosperity, by cooperation and consensus and not by confrontation,
  1. To promote knowledge and dispel ignorance.
  1. To alleviate poverty.
  1.  To promote fellowship among the Knights and Dames in order to structure a better Society.
  2. To bring about social change by uniting hearts and fostering closer understanding and dialogue among nations.

Knights of Charity are expected to maintain high standards of conduct and self-discipline in their dealings with fellow men. Their qualities of honesty, kindness, love, patience, joy, forgiveness, peace and humility should be an example for others in society.

Knights should refrain from questionable conduct and fraudulent deals such as money laundering, and dealing with drugs that bring disgrace to the fraternity and if there are complaints of such conduct, after due inquiry, they may risk their names being struck off the register and defrocked.


  • To protect the weak and defenceless
  • To refrain from the wanton giving of offence
  • To live by honour and for glory
  • To despise pecuniary reward
  • To fight for the welfare of all
  • To obey those placed in authority
  • To guard the honour of fellow knights
  • To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit
  • At all times speak the truth and remain humble
  • To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun
  • To respect the honour of women
  • Never refuse a challenge from an equal
  • Never turn your back upon a foe


  • Charity
  • Justice
  • Honesty
  • Sagacity
  • Prudence
  • Temperance
  • Resolution
  • Truth
  • Virtue
  • Liberality
  • Diligence
  • Hope
  • Valour
All Knights are bound by this oath:

I promise to know follow and observe faithfully the Constitution of the Order.
I promise to support and defend, by word and deed, the prestige of the Order to which I am honoured to belong, to be faithful to the noble traditions of the Order.
I promise to remain always faithful and obedient to the Grand Master, and, through him, also to the other Dignitaries of the Order in all matters regarding the Order and its discipline.
I promise to be always mindful of the noble purposes which the Order has set forth. I promise to live an exemplary life worthy of the knights and dames of the order in the observance of the Code.
I promise to participate in the service to the Order, to be observant of all assumed commitments and to fulfil all the obligations and duties inherent to my Knight Status.
I promise to observe and respect with exemplarity the precepts of my Religion. I promise to observe and respect with exemplarity the laws of my Country.
I promise to be helpful in all works of Charity toward my fellow men, according to the means at my disposal.

Essential Leadership Skills Expected of Knights as They Engage in Global Projects of the Order

Leaders Serve. In the Information Age, everyone everywhere is potentially in a relationship with you (whether you choose it or not). A service mentality is not just an ethical plus—it’s required.

Cultivate Courage. Courage and sacrifice remain the foundation of leadership and service. The higher levels of service—and sacrifice—are the binding elements of effective leadership in all times and places.

Vision Remains the Foundation. Casting a vision remains an indispensable element of leadership. 

Aim to be the Best in the World. That’s right: in the world. Mediocrity is lethal. Best in the world is the only sustainable business model. In our digital age, people can seek out the best value from anywhere in the world.

Listen and Observe. Listening is a master skill in a relationship-based world. An ideal is to learn to listen and observe with the focus of an actor, a writer, a painter. Merely hearing is as far from listening,  as conversing at a coffee table is from presenting a speech to thousands.

Ask Questions. Refrain from Answers. The open ends of question marks invite engagement. The closed ends of periods are the equivalent of the body language of defensively crossed arms. Declarations fit naturally into transactions. Questions are the building blocks of relationships. 

Master the Arts and Science of Influence. Internal and external stakeholders have greater leverage than ever before. The age of the boss is over. “The power to persuade” is now as necessary a skillset for corporate CEOs as politicians.

Recognize that Communication is Part of Everything You do  Communication skills cannot be delegated or outsourced. You are your message. From new media to traditional meetings, leaders must master an ever-evolving range of communications expectations.

Cultivate an Experimenter’s Mindset. Innovation includes false leads and failures. Today’s failure may be the basis of tomorrow’s breakthrough.

Break Boundaries Wherever They Appear. Don’t let others’ limitations of imagination or experience or customs or organizational culture limit your capacity to serve. 

Demand Optimism. Optimism—or negativity—can spread from a leader through her ranks faster than ever. Whether to be publicly optimistic is a leadership decision, not simply a matter of one’s individual temperament or druthers.

Safeguard Your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Health. Your health constitutes the foundation of all your service. Not to maintain your physical health—especially as you become older—is to succumb to self-indulgence. Seen in this way, safeguarding your health is a moral duty of the highest order.

Achieve Integrity. The sum of your parts can be united into a whole that only you can create. Therein lies your calling.

The Annual Obligation of Members

Members of the Order who are inscribed in the Roll of Honour are required to make an annual obligation to their Order on the last day of January each and every year to contribute to its administration and charitable good works. An amount as determined by the Priory Council, each year, to be used for the expenses of the Grand Priory. A percentage of the priory obligation will be passed to the Chancellery for other charitable works at a rate determined annually.

Other than so stated, no member of the Order should be asked for monies at any time, except such as they may wish to donate either in their lifetime or in their Last Will and Testament for the charities of the Order.

 The Discipline of the Members

The Grand Magistry Council may expel from the Order any member who fails to honour his obligations thereto, or who is in breach of his or her oath of loyalty and obedience.

The Grand Master may instruct the Grand Chancellor to convene a Court of Honour and to commence the process against any offending member. The accused will be invited to appear and address the Grand Magistry Council. The Grand Magistry Council’s decision shall be rendered by majority vote but the Grand Master may overrule the majority in rendering his decision.

The Court of Honour, which is not a permanent Organ of the Order, consists of the Grand Magistry Council as a whole, with a President of the Court appointed by the Grand Chancellor, together with a prosecutor and defender, both of whom are also named by the Grand Chancellor.

As soon as disciplinary proceedings are commenced, the accused is suspended from his functions and from his rank. This suspension remains in force until the definitive sentence of the Court is issued by the President of the Court or his deputy. The sentence requires approval by the Grand Master, who will sign and approve it within seven days of its delivery. Thereupon the Court will communicate its decision to the accused through the statutory Organ of territorial jurisdiction.

Commonly known as Knights of Charity- Medicina Alternativa